How to Create a Letter Template in Word

A retirement letter is an official notice stating an individual's resignation from their position and to request any retirement benefits. Due to retirement commonly being a well-thought-out process, it's best to give the employer six (6) to twelve (12) months' notice. An individual that is seeking retirement is probably a highly skilled worker within the organization. Therefore, it's best to allow the employer a proper time-period to prepare for the individual's departure.

Table of Contents

  • What to Include
  • How to Use a Retirement Resignation Letter
  • How to Write (Format)
    • Header
    • Body
    • Conclusion
    • Delivering the Letter
  • Retirement Letter – Sample 1
  • Retirement Letter – Sample 2
  • Retirement Letter – Sample 3

What to Include

Though not strictly necessary, it may be helpful to suggest modifications to work duties, or other provisions to make the transition period more comfortable. Since this letter announces a resignation that will close out a career, the author has license to be more expressive than might otherwise be standard – especially if the tenure has been long at the company.

As a formal written notification, the resignation letter should include:

  • The intended final date of work
  • Any provisions for the transition, if relevant

How to Use a Retirement Resignation Letter

1. Offer thanks and appreciation

Try to be gracious and let colleagues know that you value the time that you've spent together. Don't be saccharine or insincere, but share honest feelings.

2. Detail your history at the company

If you've been at the company for long enough, you could probably write a book on your experiences. That's not the purpose of this resignation letter, of course,

but providing a basic chronology can help to frame the significance of your time there.

3. Write about future plans

What will you be doing in the next chapter? Traveling? Spending time with family? Pursuing hobbies or volunteer work? It's not necessary to lay out a detailed plan – just give some basics so that colleagues will know what's next in store.

4. Last day on the job

Many companies organize sendoffs for their employees, especially for those with tenure who are capping off their careers. Anticipate some celebration, and do not be surprised if your letter is shared with the broader workplace.

How to Write (Format)

Your retirement resignation letter should begin with a header that states the contact information of the sender and addressee as well as the date. Following that, the bodyof the letter is where you'll mention your plans to retire and on what specific date. Within the letter body, you can also express gratitude for the employment opportunity, assuming that your work experience was positive. Finally, you'll want to write a short conclusionto summarize your thoughts.


The headerused for this letter will be standard; it should simply state your contact details, the date, and the contact details of your boss (or whoever the letter is addressed to). See our example below for a detailed look at how the headershould be formatted.

Example Header

Eliza Frank
1001 Parkway St.
New Hamville, CA 90211
(123) 123-1234

July 1, 2017

Ronald D. Daniels
Chief Executive Officer
Daniels Paving Co.
2001 Yellow Pl.
New Hamville, CA 90221

Dear Mr. Daniels,


When looking at our example below, you will notice that the first paragraph of the body mentions right away the intent of the letter. It states that the individual is retiring and includes theirfinal day of work. Following that, the rest of the bodycan be customized to your particular circumstance. If you've had a great employment experience, feel free to express gratitude or share some personal experiences that come to mind which reflect your appreciation of your time spent at your occupation.

Example Body

After much deliberation, I have decided to throw in the towel and officially retire from my position as Vice President of Daniels Paving Co. My last day will be September 1, 2017.

It has certainly been an amazing ride throughout these past ten years. We have achieved such great heights and become one of the most successful paving companies in New Hamville. When my last day finally arrives and I walk out the office doors, I will be able to look back with pride on what we have accomplished.

I would like to thank you for the mentorship you've given me during my tenure with the company. It was an honor to work alongside you and learn how to become a true professional. You took a chance when hiring me and I will always be grateful for the amazing opportunity.


The final portion of the letter is the conclusion. Nothing here needs to be overly expressive, just a simple final thought followed by a valediction will be sufficient.

Example Conclusion

Like all good things, my time at Daniels Paving Co. must come to an end. I look forward to hearing of what new achievements the future has in store for this amazing organization.

Your Friend,

Eliza Frank

Delivering the Letter

When delivering the letter, you might find it best to personally hand it to your employer as opposed to writing an email or sending it by mail. A hand-delivered retirement letter has more of an impact on the individual and it's certainly the most professional way to resign. You should also be sure to send a copy of the letter to Human Resources so that they can begin the process of implementing your benefits (if applicable).

Sample 1

Stan Lee
123 Fake Place
Fake City, NY, 10001
(555) 555-1234

June 1, 2017

Landon Michaels
Stainless Steel Manufacturing
321 Fake Place
Fake City, NY 10001

Dear Mr. Michaels,

This letter is meant to serve as an official notice of my retirement from Stainless Steel Manufacturing, effective August 1, 2017.

My time with the company has filled me with a sense of purpose and belonging that none other could offer. I have led the Manufacturing Division for the past fifteen years and it has brought a deep sense of purpose to my life. I have been blessed to have your support and I will always be thankful for the opportunity you gave me.

This decision wasn't an easy one. The reason I have officially decided to retire is that my wife and I have found a small home in Florida where we'll be able to spend the rest of our days together. It pains me to think that I won't be able to contribute to the company we've built, but I feel that it would be best for me to move on.

Stainless Steel Manufacturing will always have a place in my heart. Thank you for the opportunity and best of luck in the years to come.


Stan Lee

Sample 2

Rachel Hollister
5432 New Street
Big City, NY 10001
(555) 123-1234

October 1, 2017

Larry Brown
Brown Automotive
99 New Street
Big City, NY 10001

Dear Mr. Brown,

The day has finally arrived. I didn't think it would be so soon, but as of November 1st, 2017, I will be officially retiring from Brown Automotive.

I'm sure this comes as a surprise to you as I have been quite content with my current employment situation. However, health isn't what it once was, and I feel like it would be best if I took this opportunity to take my leave and retire.

The past twenty years have indeed been incredible. I have watched a small muffler shop turn into one of the city's biggest automotive chains. Leaving this company will surely keep me wondering how much more success we could have achieved, though I know you and the rest of our team will lead Brown Automotive to new and exciting places.

I appreciate the opportunity you've given me, and I will always be grateful for what you have done for my family. You will always be welcome in my home.

Yours Truly

Rachel Hollister

Sample 3

Dear Donna,

It is with truly mixed feelings that I announce my retirement from Consolidated Industries, effective March 15, 2017.

I have spent the majority of my career here and am fortunate to have worked with so many talented and wonderful colleagues over the years. When I began as a customer service representative in 1980, we were just a small operation in an out-of-the-way office park. To think that we're now a whole floor of the Main Street office building and over 150 employees – I continue to be amazed.

Though I will be sad to depart, I am eager for the opportunity to spend more time with family, and for the chance to travel.

If there are any additional steps that I can take to ease this transition, please let me know.


Reginald Johnson

How to Create a Letter Template in Word


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